Chris here, co-founder of Keto Chow. Look, I love bacon and eggs as much as the next person, but I wanted to know that Keto Chow really could for realsies give me everything I needed if I lived off of it for an extended period of time. That's where this experiment came in: 100 days of nothing but Keto Chow.

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TL;DR here's how things went...

I lost a total of 43.9 pounds during the course of the 100 days—an average of 0.44 pound per day. And I felt great! Popular myths about dairy causing inflammation, low carb eating resulting in fatigue, sucralose causing gut issues, etc. did not hold true for me during the experiment

Weight loss tracker chart

As I experimented with different fats during the 100 days, I found butter surprisingly gave me the best results. Triglycerides went down, and my HDL (the good cholesterol) went up. It also is more affordable than heavy cream or avocado oil, so…bonus points!

Follow The Journey:

I documented absolutely everything… weight, glucose levels, blood pressure, etc etc etc. If you nerd out over all this as much as I do access it below.

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 01

And so it begins! Today is Day 1 of my 100 days of just eating Keto Chow for all my meals. I’ll be heading over to the Riverton City offices...
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100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 50

Halfway! I am officially 50% done with my 100 days of eating nothing but Keto Chow. Honestly, it’s really been quite easy. It’s been a drag when I was cooking...
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Day 099 – 100 days of Keto (Chow)

So I’m stuck in a up and down cycle – it’s entirely what I’ve been eating and has a simple explanation, despite that I’ve decided it serves as good experience....
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picture of a milkshake and a box of keto chow products bursting out of a box on the right

what is keto chow?

An ultra low-carb shake with 1/3 of your daily vitamins and nutrients in every serving. More importantly, it's fan-freakin-tastically delicious. (Just look at the thousands of five-star reviews.)

Nutritionally complete meal Great on-the-go Better control over your macros

Shop our most popular products:

Falling Keto Chow packages
$5.50 - $5.50
$45.43 - $45.43
$5.50 - $109.75
Chocolate Toffee Keto Chow single meal
$5.50 - $109.75